Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wampler's Chocolate Factory

Chocolate Play Dough!
3 cups powdered sugar
6tbsp baking cocoa
3/4 cup powdered milk
(find it on the sugar and flour aisle)
1/2 cup butter at room temperature (no substitutes)
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1tsp vanilla
Knead and Play!

As our summer winds down, we are still looking for new ideas to keep our hands busy. Thanks to Danielle, we have a new activity! It's chocolate play dough. We made a batch at my sister's yesterday, and the twins and their cousins had a good time playing with it. I am including the recipe below. We decorated it with m&m's and pretzels. Danielle had the cute idea of adding gummy worms. You can actually eat the chocolate creation!

Friday, July 17, 2009

A Day at the Park

A favorite park activity- the slide!
This was a neat scene as it came across the lake... a flock of swimming ducks leaving a beautiful wake pattern as they traveled.

Synchronized Swimming!
We really enjoyed the ducks, and even saw some adorable ducklings. However, the funniest thing were these ducks diving head first all at the same time. We enjoyed the entertainment!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fotos from the Fourth!!

We Love America!

We had a festive Fourth with Swimming and Shrimp! Here are some moments...

Harrison and Abby

Harrison and Hailey floating on the big raft

Hailey and Doug (our Minister of Music and dear friend)

Daddy and his darling

Gettng our toes wet

There's a sparkle about her!!

The twins with Abby and Sarah Katherine Spires,
very special friends, enjoying some sparklers!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wishing you a Happy 4th!
July 4th, 2006
Hailey and Harrison
two months old

I couldn't get these next two pictures flipped,
but I thought they l were worth adding for you to see!

Hailey in a Hat!

Holding Harrison

We hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July!!!
~Travis, Kerri, Hailey, & Harrison~

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Fun at Fairpark!

The twins had a great time at the splashpad at Fairpark yesterday. Fairpark is a district of town with restaurants, new businesses, the courthouse, etc. They have a great fountain that is free for the public to enjoy.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sights of Summer!

"Khaki Rollers!"
This haybale pictures was stemmed from one of the funniest things I have ever heard my child say... This field is about 2 blocks from our house, and we pass it everytime we live the neighborhood. One day, Harrison said, "Khaki Rollers!" I instantly thought my child was brilliant. He isn't that keen on his colors, and we are not even close to classifying a shade as "khaki." But when he said "khaki rollers," I thought he meant the color of the hay and the "shape" of the bale, which would 'roll.' It wasn't until I told Kathy (AKA: Khaki,) about this that it all came to light. When Travis drops the twins off at Kathy's on Thursday morning for their Mother's Day Out carpool, she always has big rollers in her hair. Now, we have a complete story of the haybales and the khaki (hair) roller!!!
Tupelo Buffalo Park
I snapped this picture as I drove by the Buffalo Park. It is about 3/4 of a mile from our house. If you are ever in town, it is a neat place to visit. On a daily basis, the twins are able to see and identify a variety of animals, including buffalo (or buckos, as they call it,) camels, and zebras. If you look closely, you can see a buffalo resting in the shade (top of photo.)

Sizzlin' Summer Fun!
The following pictures were taken this weekend as the twins played in their new sprinkler that Carol gave to them for their birthday. What a great gift!!!
figuring it out...
Harrison in his BAYWATCH audition
This one cracks me up!!
(look at Harrison's face)
running crazy!
Now, look at Hailey's face!
When it is too hot to be outside, pull out the Play-Doh!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Saying Goodbye....

We will miss you, Jo-Lynn!!
Today has been a sad day because I had to say goodbye to a very special friend. It has been a delight to know Jo-Lynn, Matt, Sarah, and Will. They have touched so many lives in the past three years while living in Tupelo.
We will miss you, sweet friend. I know that you will be a blessing to others in Arkansas, just as you have been to us.
We love you!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

All Smiles... Our First Trip to the Dentist!

Yesterday the twins had their first visit to the dentist. They call it a Happy Visit, and do only as much as the patient allows. Hailey and Harrison wouldn't get in the chair alone, but they would while in my lap. Also, they were very interested in the prophy cup (tooth polisher,) the mirror, the water squirter, and Mr. Thirsty (suction.) They even let the hygienist tickle their teeth with the prophy. They left with lots of treats in tow, including a new toothbrush, a dinosaur flosser, a toy, a sticker, and a balloon!
Super Smiles!

We Did It!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"The Hurrier I Go, the Behinder I Get..."

These blog updates are so, so long overdue. We have had some fun days over the past month. We have pictures from Easter, the twins end-of-the-year school music, and Birthday #3!!!

I will post lots of pictures, so ENJOY!

Happy Birthday, Hailey and Harrison!!

(with Aunt Kristi)

Calvary's 2 year-old Preschool Class
(the twin's singing debut)


Dying Easter Eggs with Daddy
Easter Egg Hunt at Ballard Park

Easter Sunday at church

hunting eggs at PawPaw and Nana's house

Friday, April 10, 2009

World's Cutest Cowboy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Day in the Life of a Preschooler...

Today had to be one of my favorite parties that I have attended for the twins' class. Their Easter party was so cute. As always, kudos to Miss Pam and Miss Rennie for hosting a fun and festive event. I sneaked (is that the right word?) in a few minutes early and caught story time. Hailey in the on the very from row, far left, and Harrison is fifth from the right, with his head down.
Hailey and Harrison shoot the breeze over cupcakes and Caprison.
I wish you could see this Easter Bonnet better... it is adorned with Easter eggs and a sweet little chick!
Harrison takes after mom with his sweet tooth!
This is the famous class picture. They were so cute.
This picture is, without a doubt, my favorite. Miss Pam gave Hailey and another little boy a head start, since Hailey moves a little slow ; ) Although she is seen in the act of running, she still only got two eggs!! No one tell her... she was as happy as a lark with her pink egg find!!
My honey bunny!

I know I enjoyed the day as much as the kids. I guess the egg hunt was good practice for the weekend. We are going to Ballard Park for another hunt on Saturday, and Sunday will be a fun day at PawPaw and Nana's in Columbus!