Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fingerpainting in February!

Here we are in the last part of February... part of me thinks that the year is moving by so quickly, but the other part says, "Hurry up, Spring!" As the cool days linger and the twins' napping seems to get shorter, I find myself having to pull things out of my magic hat to keep them entertained. This weekend we made playdoh (recipe below), and today we pulled out the fingerpaints. As you will notice, most of Harrison's paint was applied as a body butter. Hmmm... that will take a little soaking. Hailey is a little more delicate in her activities. See for yourself.

Then comes the clean-up!

Everyone came out fresh as a flower!

If any of you need a way to fill the wintery days, maybe this recipe will help!
Homemade Play Dough
1 cup flour
1/2 cup of salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 tbsp vegetable oil
food coloring
Combine flour, salt, and cream of tartar in a saucepan. In a bowl, put water, oil, and food coloring (to desired color.) Gradually stir wet ingredients into the dry ones until smooth. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until a ball forms. Remove from stove and cool. Knead until smooth. Store in airtight container.
This is super simple and makes a great play dough!
Have fun!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


My email is working fine now!!

What's New?

Jo-Lynn and I discussed that our lack of blogging lately is due to the fact that things have drastically slowed with the winter season. We all know that it will pick back up in the spring. I can't wait for the warmer weather. Here a a few of our happenings... just day to day stuff!
Valentine's Day... Yeah!!
A treat for the twins

for mom... with a box of chocolates!
A Hearty Party at Preschool!

A Birthday Bash for a Special Friend...
with our favorites- cupcakes and Goldfish!

Monday, February 2, 2009


My email is currently down due to our computer crash recently. I hope to have it running soon!

Thank Goodness for the Quiet Days...

Since our arrival back home after renting the house out for furniture market, life has been uneventful. Thank goodness. Despite all them crazy events at my sister's house during our stay, we still had a wonderful time. It was only after I left their house that I realized how much I really miss my sister. On a different note, I haven't taken any pictures since we got home, because it takes us a while to resettle into a sense of "normalcy." So, I have decided to post some from earlier in the month. I thought they were cute.

Harrison has become a little camera shy, so I will have to capture some of him later. We are now back in the swing of things, with preschool, church, Mother's Day Out, etc. We are enjoying our routine. Oh, about my nose... I went to see Dr. Simmons today and got a good report. I do not need any additional work done as a result of my broken nose. Thanks to all you who have been so concerned about my accident. It is truely a blessing to have such wonderful friends!