Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Sweet Girls!!

For all you gals who know how much I love being an aunt, I thought you might like to see these pictures of Natalie and Alyson. Natalie will be 9 on October 4, and Alyson turned 5 on Friday. Kudos to my sister, who pulled off a great party for both girls at their grandparents farm Saturday night. Over the past nine years, Kristi and I have had so much fun sharing in the joys of parenthood. It always made my day for her to call and "share a funny," from one of the girls. Now that I have Hailey and Harrison, the bond between us has only grown sweeter. As many of you know, Kristi, Frankie, and the girls moved to Meridian this summer. It adds an hour of a distance between, which I don't particularly like. However, we always find a way to make the best of our time together. Here's to a wonderful sister and friend... I love you, Big Sis!

This party ROCKS!!!!! Complete with a dance stage... hotdog roast... hayride... and a ride on Pawpaw's homemade "barrell bus!"

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Moment in Time.

There are just some moments in life that strike you. This was no huge moment, but I did think it was priceless from a mother's point of view. We have been trying to get our backyard fence finished for weeks now (it's finally done!), for the sake of the dogs. Well, it also allows more freedom for the kids to play in the backyard. I happened to take a peek through the window and this is the picture I captured.

I hope it makes you smile!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Daddy! (September 18)

Today is Daddy's birthday!!

Today is Daddy's Birthday,
We think he is pretty swell,
So please want you call him,
And offer wishes well!

Monday, Monday!!

Today the weather was wonderful, so we did a little play inside and outside. The twins always seem to find the stuff they want. They have discovered the craft drawer in the laundry room. At first, they just went for crayons. Now they are branching out and wanting to paint. I do love to see their creativity blossom! The results were a pretty combination of red, blue, and yellow "smears." I have never seen paintings more beautiful!
After Travis got home, he attempted to work on Hailey and Harrison's playgym. Well, believe it or not, the twins can actually climb to the top of the platform by themselves (which is about 7.5 feet.) It was fun to watch the interest the twins had in what Travis was doing. It was a little impeding to Travis' speed, but sweet memories were made in the process!
*We are still working on potty training, thus the training pants/no shirt attire in the pictures. Both are doing good. Harrison made the most of the experience today by throwing a small, decorative knife in the big potty. He loves to flush, and if it entertains and keeps him interested in his mission, it's okay with me (to a point.) However, I knew there was trouble when I can back and saw no sign of the knife. I asked him about it, and in his own words, he let me know that he flushed it!

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Whimsical Weekend...

1.) Travis and Harrison listening to the Bulldogs on the radio... must have been real exciting! 2.) Hailey and her Sunday afternoon nap. 3.) Martha Ann, this one is for you... for those of you who may have missed the scene in the church parking lot on Sunday, here is what happened... Harrison plopping face-down, completely horizontal - intentionally- balking, nose to the ground, on the concrete. Tickets were free, but I am sure I could have charged admission. Such a sight, and all you moms can laugh! Wish I had a picture. A true battle of the Harrison/Travis wills.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy Grandparent's Day!!

Travis and I were blessed to be raised in wonderful, loving, Christian homes. We would like to take this time to say a big thank-you to our parents, now wonderful grandparents, for all you have done. As we celebrate Grandparent's Day on Sunday, Hailey and Harrison would like to send a big shout out to their terrific grandparents... left: Charles and Debbie Patrick, Kerri's dad and stepmom, and right: Lynn Wampler, Travis' mom. My mom (Kerri's) passed away in 1996. However, Hailey and Harrison will always have the honor of having her as a grandmother in their heart. Her name is June (AKA: JuneBUG), and Hailey is named in her honor.

Down on the Funny Farm

They say that some pictures are worth a thousand words... well, to me, these are worth a thousand laughs and fun memories! Whenever Travis gets home from work , Hailey and Harrison are stuck to him like glue. Yesterday, Travis was outside working on landscaping the yard. Well, where there is Daddy and a tractor, there will be Harrison... and a little sister following. The twins wanted a ride down the street on the tractor. Since it was a family event, we decided to give Biscuit a ride in the front scooper. He was in Dog- Heaven! This was THE event of the evening at our house!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of Preschool!

As a parent, each new day presents new joys and exciting stories. Today we celebrate as the twins start their first day of preschool! We proudly drove up into ther carpool line and excitedly talked about their new teachers. They were all excited, until it came time to get out of the van. That was a different story. However, you can tell that by the time they got inside, they were fine! I am sure the school year will have many happy highlights, and I look forward to sharing them!